#Final fantasy spirits within aki shot movie#
They know each other in the events before the movie begin and it is implied that not only are there romantic feelings involved, but that they have not seen each other for many years. That’s not to say that Tifa doesn’t acknowledge (especially at the end of Final Fantasy VII the game) that the world could very well end and that their mission will fail, but she seems more hopeful about a happier outcome. She has no idea how much time she has left and while she tries to stay optimistic, the harsh reality of her possible death is always there. While Tifa always has a smile on her face, Aki always has this sense of impending doom. As far as personality goes, Tifa is more social than Aki and it is easier for her to put her trust in her new friends, where as it takes time for Aki to warm up to anybody who isn’t Dr. Very little is known about Aki’s past or what happened to her up until she was infected by the phantom, where as Tifa’s backstory is very crucial to the story of Final Fantasy VII. Now these two are a little more different from each other. Then we move on to our heroines, Tifa Lockhart and Dr. Just because Gray may have a bit more personality than Cloud doesn’t mean that Cloud doesn’t value the feelings and friendships of the people he’s come to meet throughout his life. They’ve all demonstrated that they will help him fight his enemies, keep in contact with him over the years, and just as Gray is devastated when his team dies from the Phantoms, Cloud was absolutely devastated when he loses the friends that he loves (Zack, Aeris, Tifa when he first discovered her in the church and when he saves her from being crushed, etc). However, I would argue that despite Cloud’s more distant approach to his friends in Advent Children, he has just as much love and support from his friends as the Deep Eyes do for Gray. While he hates being alone, he does distance himself from the people that he loves in the hopes that he doesn’t hurt them (we will come back to this). Cloud on the other hand is a lonewolf in virtually every respect of the word. After all, Gray is the captain of the Deep Eyes and from everything we’ve seen in the movie, the men and woman on his team love him. You would think that at that point, the comparisons between the two characters would pretty much end.

While Gray is obviously of a much higher rank than Cloud, they are both soldiers under the command of corrupt military commander. Let’s start listing off the comparisons:įirst of all, we have Gray Edwards and Cloud Strife. I liked it back when nobody liked it and I watched it the other day for the first time in years and liked it more. So if you think this post is going to piss you off, you should probably go find something else to look at because despite how much of a problem people may have with it, I like Cloud/Tifa and I lovedFinal Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

Alrighty, I’m prepared for a whole onslaught of wank and hate for this for a number of reasons, the main two being that it acknowledges Cloud and Tifa being in a relationship and it mentions the movie damn near every Final Fantasy fan hated.