I wanna see you be brave
I wanna see you be brave

What I do know is that I’m practicing patience and hoping that Lord does whatever it is that He needs to do with the words in my book. I’m not sure if we’d call this feeling I have as “brave.” It is more like an eternal butt clench mixed with heartburn, but I’m rolling with the flow. So here I am, permanently in a state of flux until this thing comes out. People will either relate or laugh their butts off at my expense. I babbled on about what an idiot I was to put all my dirty laundry in a book for the entire world (read: residents of Hallsville) to devour. I called my friend Rebecca because I was looking over the edge, ready to freak out. The book is about INSECURITIES for crying out loud! Why in the world did I choose that topic? Why did I include the most embarrassing story ever in chapter 2? PEOPLE ARE GOING TO KNOW ABOUT CHAPTER 2 AND THERE’S NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT NOW. It wasn’t until last week, when I announced on my website that I had actually written words that a publisher was going to print out on a page and bind for other people to read that it hit me… I covered my one show for EW and spent the rest of my days saying what I wanted to say, letting the words fall out. Well, I could have done it, but the book would have been mostly gibberish. There’s no way I could have freelanced, written for CBS, and recapped four shows for EW while writing a book. Then I got a book deal and it all made sense.

i wanna see you be brave i wanna see you be brave

I didn’t understand why my fall schedule had suddenly opened up. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Psalm 31: 24 My time is in Your hands.” Psalm 31:14-15 There was also a lot about patience when it comes to bravery, which is just awesome, because I have a tough time with that one. Most of the verses I found combined trust, strength, and hope. And I searched my Bible for scripture that spoke about bravery. The song came on the radio as I was having an emotional “moment” in the Target parking lot. That’s when Sara Bareilles’ 2013 hit “Brave” re-entered my world. I panicked, knowing that there was very little income and I doubted myself for taking the step to branch out on my own doing something I loved to do. My work schedule was like a dust bowl with one, lone Big Bang Theory-looking tumbleweed blowing through. It felt like obedience.Īugust 2016 was a different story. The change didn’t feel like a brave move. I had tons of freelance work, a sweet gig at CBS, and my other sweet gig at Entertainment Weekly. On August 1, 2015, I stepped away from the oil and gas business and decided to branch out on my own. I don’t know if I have ever been described as a brave person. I was so surprised that my twang only came out once or twice! I was equally surprised when he described me as brave. Remember that time that I said I didn’t really like change? It makes sense that high school Lincee is pretty much current Lincee with a little more padding and some crows feet around the eyes.Ī few weeks ago, I was asked by my friend Luke Brawner if he could interview me for his podcast “The H.” I had a great time. I feel like I am most of those things as a grown adult woman. Other labels included talented, friend, outgoing, energetic, and bubbly. Joe Bob wrote that I was punctual which I assume he thought was a funny joke, but little does JB know that I smiled when I saw that 1994 Lincee was just as punctual as 2017 Lincee. As president of the Spanish Club I say muchas gracias, Jennifer. As one of my oldest friends, I can say that I learned that trait from him.

i wanna see you be brave

And thank you Brian for suggesting I am/was awesome.Ĭourtney thought I was creative. Kudos to my BFF Julie who halfway broke the rules by submitting a hyphenated word: fun-loving. I’m actually holding my yearbook and staring at the adjectives. We’ve talked about how I was a strange kid, right? Others quietly labeled me as “eccentric” or “strange” and went about their business writing the same old message to every other senior. Most of my friends just rolled their eyes and complied. Instead of a long soliloquy of how we had such a great time learning life lessons in the classrooms of Hallsville High School, I wanted to know how these important people of my youth would remember me. In the final days of my senior year, I asked all of my friends to write down one word that described me in my yearbook.

I wanna see you be brave